Practicalities of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data Interpretation

Practicalities of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data Interpretation
Past online event
Tue 11 Jun 2024

Building your confidence with FreeStyle Libre 2 System: data interpretation guidance and tools 

With FreeStyle Libre 2 System now in its 10th year, this annual training course was the perfect opportunity to update your knowledge, refresh your skills and build your confidence for interpreting data more efficiently and effectively. Designed for Secondary Care diabetes professionals with limited knowledge or those looking for a refresher, the professionals who attended left with a clear, strategic approach from seasoned experts in the field of CGM. 

With thanks to our industry partner:

Structured and valuable learning forums packed full interactive case study workshops

Participants benefitted from attending this online course which allowed them to enhance their data interpretation skills through real-world worked examples. Key learning outcomes shared by the knowledgeable and expert speaker line-up included: 

  • Recent FreeStyle Libre 2 System developments: connectivity, latest systems and Hybrid Closed Loop 
  • How to review and advise on the AGP and Time in Range to improve clinical outcomes 
  • Data interpretation skills for inpatient and hard to reach groups in primary care
  • Navigating the addition of connected pens to LibreView reports 
  • Meeting clinical targets for people with Type 2 diabetes using FreeStyle Libre 2 System
  • Establishing real-world application to strength your skills 
  • Connectivity between FreeStyle Libre 2 System and Hybrid Closed Loop systems

With thanks to Abbott Diabetes Care Division

SBK Healthcare would like to thank Abbott Diabetes Care Division for sponsoring this unique and interactive forum. 

Registration and opportunity to network
Chair’s opening remarks, introductions and instructions
Professor Ramzi Ajjan, Professor of Metabolic Medicine, University of Leeds
FreeStyle Libre 2 System Latest Developments
Recent CGM updates and evolution following 10 years of FreeStyle Libre 2 System
  • Latest FreeStyle Libre 2 System technology: exploring the differences in systems
  • Linking with Hybrid Closed Loop: new information and evidenced outcomes explored
  • Progressing connectivity: achieving the next level of care for people with diabetes
Dr Emma Wilmot, Associate Professor, University of Nottingham
Questions and answers with your speaker
Data Interpretation: your refresher guide through real-life worked examples
  • Reviewing and advising in your consultations based on AGP and Time in Range to improve outcomes
Led by the speaker, you will be guided through two case study examples. You will be engaged using interactive online polling that will cement your knowledge and enable you to implement your understanding in clinic.
Inreach and outreach CGM care
Achieving inreach for inpatients and outreach into primary care: providing effective data interpretation
  • Tools and techniques for FreeStyle Libre 2 System data interpretation for inpatients
  • Communication with primary care to support hard to reach groups on FreeStyle Libre
  • The role of connected pens in data interpretation: the impact on different patient groups
Dr Iain Cranston, Consultant Physician (Diabetes & Endocrinology), Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Interactive case study workshop: Putting your knowledge into practice in various scenarios
Share experiences and work through case study examples, with other attendees in breakout rooms, to ensure you understand how to review and advise in different situations.
Feedback from interactive case study workshop: Putting your knowledge into practice in various scenarios
Opportunity to meet Abbott in the breakout rooms
This is a great opportunity for you to chat directly with Abbott and ask your burning questions in breakout rooms.
Screen break
Type 2 diabetes data interpretation
Supporting people with Type 2 diabetes meet clinical targets using Freestyle Libre 2 System
  • National developments for people with Type 2 diabetes: implications and impact of CGM
  • Overcoming common challenges, engaging people with their data and improving clinical outcomes
Professor Ramzi Ajjan, Professor of Metabolic Medicine, University of Leeds
Interactive case study workshop: Real-world application to strengthen your data interpretation
By working in groups, this time is dedicated to hone your data interpretation skills and implement solutions for your patients with Type 2 diabetes.
Feedback from interactive case study workshop: Real-world application to strengthen your data interpretation
Linking CGM with Hybrid Closed Loop
Your introduction to CGM and Hybrid Closed Loop data interpretation
  • Led by the speaker, you will be guided through using Hybrid Closed Loop and CGM via case study examples. You will be engaged using interactive online polling that will cement your knowledge and enable you to implement your understanding in clinic.
Dr Emma Wilmot, Associate Professor, University of Nottingham
Questions and answers with your speaker
Close of day

A wealth of expertise and knowledge

The expert speakers shared their top data interpretation hints and tips and the latest FreeStyle Libre 2 System developments:

Dr Emma Wilmot

Associate Professor
University of Nottingham

Dr Iain Cranston

Consultant Physician (Diabetes & Endocrinology)
Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust

Professor Ramzi Ajjan

Professor of Metabolic Medicine
University of Leeds

Past Attendee Feedback

This FreeStyle Libre 2 System training event of 2024 took place so that Secondary Care professionals were able to benefit from inspiring speakers, comprehensive learning and the opportunity to refine skills through practical working. Take a look at how our past attendees have enjoyed our previous FreeStyle Libre 2 System courses sponsored by Abbott Diabetes Care Division:

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“Excellent info from qualified speakers. Lots of food for thought for improving practice and advocating for our patients with diabetes access to the best technology”
- Western Health and Social Care Trust
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“Wonderful learning experience. Definitely feel more confident dealing with CGM”
- University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
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“This forum is very useful and primes us to polish our knowledge and get more organised though about how to use or interpret data from CGM so that we can use data effectively in apply in clinical consultation”
- Northern Lincolnshire and Gool NHS Foundation Trust
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“Very useful and would recommend”
- University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
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“Excellent course and speakers. Always something to learn that can be used in practice.”
- Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
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“Informative and pitched at a good level”
- Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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“Lots of very practical advice on running virtual consultations and use of the data”
- Essex Partnerships University Foundation NHS Trust
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“Really informative, expanded my knowledge of AGP profiles and made me feel more confident in reviewing libre data.”
- Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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“It was really good. All the speakers were really good and the host was good. Loved the case studies and going into the breakout rooms to discuss these and also getting the answers or outcomes of what happened to these patients.”
- Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
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“Really great speakers and content. I got a lot out of the case studies.”
- Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust
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“Time was well managed. Very good interactions from everyone and the questions are very well answered.”
- Wye Valley NHS Trust
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“Excellent and will recommend to colleagues”
- Southern Health and Social Care Trust